
"The Beta Mum" launch - First official assignment by Walter C.

Click on the picture above to open the gallery

Click on the picture above to open the gallery

For the first time, I was asked by a friend to be her "official" event photographer. And not for any event: for the launch party of her very first book... Quite a few firsts ! 

Both somewhat flattering and intimidating. It is one thing to swing my Leica around on the kids playground or around the streets of beautiful cities. It is another to feel some responsibility for making a moment a bit more memorable.

The party was last Tuesday, at the Notting Hill Bookshop. No better place to launch a book about the life of a beta mum looking for her place in the world of the Notting Hill alpha mums.

And what a weather, what a light !... 

So, did my best. To be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. To take the expected posed pictures, but also to try to capture those less expected moments, expressions, slices of life. Stolen portraits. My pêcher mignon... 

The result ? Well... see by yourself...  The picture gallery is available here


For the book:

"The Beta Mum - Adventures in Alpha Land" by Isabella Davidson (blog here and instagram there). 


As usual - any comment more than welcome below...

And don't hesitate to follow me on instagram here

Enjoy ! 
